The Sermon of Saint Stephen

size(cm): 45x60
Sale price¥32,100 JPY


The Sermon of St Stephen, painted by Carpaccio Vittore, is a masterpiece that showcases the artist's exceptional skills in composition, color, and style. The painting measures 152 x 195 cm and was completed in the early 16th century.

The painting depicts St. Stephen, the first Christian martyr, preaching to a group of people outside the walls of Jerusalem. The scene is set in a beautiful landscape with a clear blue sky and lush greenery. The composition of the painting is well-balanced, with St. Stephen at the center, surrounded by the crowd, and the city of Jerusalem in the background.

Carpaccio's use of color is particularly noteworthy in this painting. The vibrant hues of the clothing and the landscape create a lively and energetic atmosphere. The artist's attention to detail is evident in the intricate patterns and textures of the clothing, which add depth and dimension to the painting.

The Sermon of St Stephen is an important work in the history of painting. It is considered one of Carpaccio's most significant works and is a testament to the artist's mastery of the Renaissance style. The painting also has religious significance, as it depicts the story of St. Stephen, a figure revered by Christians.

Despite its importance, there are some lesser-known aspects of the painting that are worth noting. For example, the painting was originally created for the Scuola Grande di San Giovanni Evangelista, a charitable organization in Venice. Additionally, the painting was damaged during World War II and was restored in the 1950s.

Overall, The Sermon of St Stephen is a stunning painting that showcases Carpaccio Vittore's exceptional talent as an artist. Its composition, color, and style make it a masterpiece that continues to captivate viewers to this day.

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