sieved girl

size(cm): 45x40
Sale price¥25,400 JPY


The painting "Sifting Girl" by artist János Tornyai is a fascinating work that stands out for its artistic style, composition, and use of color. With an original size of 89 x 73 cm, this piece captivates the viewer with its beauty and intricate detail.

Tornyai's artistic style in "Sifting Girl" falls within Expressionism, characterized by its emphasis on emotion and the subjective representation of reality. The artist uses bold, gestural brushwork, bringing a sense of energy and movement to the painting. Furthermore, his focus on detail and texture creates a sense of depth and realism in the work.

The composition of the painting is another interesting aspect to highlight. Tornyai places the protagonist, the girl who sifts, at the center of the work, surrounded by elements that represent her environment. The arrangement of these elements creates a sense of balance and harmony in the composition, while the girl's position and facial expression convey a sense of concentration and hard work.

The use of color in "Sifting Girl" is captivating. Tornyai employs a palette of vibrant, saturated colors, creating a striking contrast between warm and cool tones. Earthy and ocher tones predominate in the background, while bright colors are used to highlight details such as the girl's clothing and the objects around her. This choice of colors helps convey a sense of life and vitality in the painting.

The history of the painting is also intriguing. "Sifting Girl" was painted in 1927 by János Tornyai, a renowned Hungarian artist. The work depicts a girl sifting, a common task in rural Hungary at the time. Through this image, Tornyai captures the beauty and dignity of manual labor and daily life at the time.

In addition to the aspects mentioned, there are some lesser-known details in "Sifting Girl" that deserve to be highlighted. For example, the artist uses a technique called impasto, which involves applying paint thickly and in relief, adding texture and dimension to the work. Likewise, the girl's intense and focused gaze conveys a sense of determination and effort.

In summary, János Tornyai's painting "Sifting Girl" is a captivating work of art noted for its expressionist artistic style, balanced composition, vibrant use of color, and depiction of everyday life in Hungary in the 1920s. Via its intricate detail and technique, this painting invites us to reflect on manual labor and the beauty found in life's simplest tasks.

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