Still Water (The Pond of Menil)

size(cm): 45x100
Sale price€252,95 EUR


The painting "Still Water (The Menil Pond)" by Belgian artist Fernand Khnopff is an impressive work of art that combines elements of symbolism and impressionism. The work was created in 1904 and has an original size of 54 x 115 cm.

The composition of the painting is very interesting, as it shows a pond surrounded by trees and bushes, with a small island in the center. Trees and sky are reflected in the water, creating a mirror effect that gives the work a sense of peace and tranquility. The perspective is very well achieved, since the viewer's point of view seems to be right on the edge of the pond.

Khnopff's artistic style is highly distinctive, combining elements of symbolism and impressionism. The work has a dreamlike quality, with skillful use of light and shadow to create a sense of mystery and dreaminess. The colors are soft and delicate, with pastel tones giving the painting a sense of calm and serenity.

An interesting story behind this painting is that it was commissioned by American art collector John de Menil for his residence in Houston, Texas. The work became a favorite of the Menil family and was displayed in their home for many years before being donated to the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston.

A little known aspect of this painting is that Khnopff was fascinated by nature and spirituality, often including symbolic elements in his works. In "Still Water (The Menil Pond)", the island in the center of the pond can be seen as a symbol of spiritual quest and connection to nature.

In conclusion, the painting "Still Water (The Menil Pond)" by Fernand Khnopff is an impressive work of art that combines elements of symbolism and impressionism to create a sense of peace and tranquility. The composition, artistic style, and story behind the painting make it a fascinating and admirable work of art.

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