the guitarist

size(cm): 50x60
Sale price€192,95 EUR


The painting "The Guitar Player" by the French artist Edouard Manet is a masterpiece depicting a young woman playing the guitar in an intimate and peaceful setting. The work was painted in 1860 and measures 66 x 82 cm. It is one of Manet's most popular works and is known for its innovative artistic style and unique composition.

Manet's artistic style is characterized by his use of loose, rapid brushstrokes, giving the work a sense of movement and energy. The painting is also noted for its bold use of color, with bright, vibrant tones contrasting with darker, more muted tones.

The composition of the work is equally impressive, with the woman seated on a sofa with the guitar resting on her lap. The angle of the painting is unusual, as the viewer's view is diagonal to the figure. This creates a sense of depth and perspective, and also emphasizes the figure of the woman at the center of the work.

The story behind the painting is equally interesting. The woman portrayed in the work is believed to be Victorine Meurent, a model and artist who worked with Manet on several occasions. Meurent was also the model for other famous works by Manet, such as "Olympia" and "Le Déjeuner sur l'herbe".

Furthermore, the painting is also notable for its little-known aspects. For example, the woman in the painting is wearing a dress that was designed by Manet himself, demonstrating his interest in fashion and fashion of the time. The guitar in the painting is also believed to be a reference to Spanish music, which was very popular in France at the time.

In short, Edouard Manet's "The Guitar Player" is a masterpiece that stands out for its innovative artistic style, unique composition, and interesting story. It is a work that continues to fascinate art lovers and continues to inspire artists and admirers alike.

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