The Golden Garden

size(cm): 45x30
Sale price€131,95 EUR


The Goldfinch is a painting by artist Fabrizio De Carel that has captivated art lovers since its creation in the 17th century. Measuring 34 x 23 cm, this masterpiece is a stunning example of the Baroque style, characterized by drama and exaggeration.

The composition of the painting is impressive, with the small golden bird at the center of the work, surrounded by a dark background that highlights its beauty and fragility. The details of the bird's feather and the bouquet of flowers in the lower right corner are exceptional, demonstrating the artist's ability to capture nature with great precision.

Color is also a prominent aspect of The Goldfinch. The gold of the bird is contrasted against the dark background, creating an effect of light and shadow that is impressive. Also, the shades of green and red in the flowers and leaves add an extra dimension to the artwork.

The story behind the painting is also fascinating. The Goldfinch was painted in 1654 by Fabrizio De Carel, a Dutch artist who worked in the city of Delft. The painting was created as a genre artwork, which focused on everyday life and ordinary objects. In this case, the object was a small golden bird that De Carel captured in great detail.

Although The Goldfinch is a well-known work of art, there are lesser-known aspects of it. For example, the painting has been stolen several times over the years, adding to its fame and mystery. In addition, the painting has been the subject of various interpretations and analysis, which has led to the creation of various theories about its meaning.

In conclusion, The Goldfinch is a stunning piece of art that represents the Baroque style at its best. The artist's composition, color, and ability to capture nature are exceptional, and the story behind the painting is fascinating. Despite its fame, there are still little-known aspects about The Goldfinch, making it an even more intriguing piece of art.

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