The Betrayal of Christ

size(cm): 45x35
Sale price€139,95 EUR


Giuseppe Césari's painting "The Betrayal of Christ" is a masterpiece of Italian Baroque art depicting the moment Judas betrays Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane. The painting is a stunning example of the Baroque style of art, characterized by its drama, exuberance and emotion.

The composition of the painting is carefully planned to create a dramatic and moving effect. The body of Jesus, which is in the center of the scene, is surrounded by the disciples who have betrayed him, while Judas is on the right, with an expression of guilt and regret on his face. The composition is designed to direct the viewer's attention to the suffering of Jesus, who is the protagonist of the work.

The colors used in the painting are intense and vibrant, which contributes to the feeling of drama and emotion. Red, yellow and green combine to create a tense and emotional atmosphere. Details of the characters' clothing, such as folds and textures, are carefully rendered to add realism and depth to the work.

The story behind the painting is interesting and little known. Giuseppe Césari was an Italian painter who worked for Pope Clement VIII in the 16th century. The painting "The Betrayal of Christ" was commissioned by the Pope to adorn the chapel of the Church of San Silvestro al Quirinale in Rome. The work was completed in 1597 and became one of Césari's most famous paintings.

In short, "The Betrayal of Christ" is a masterpiece of Italian Baroque art that represents a key moment in Christian history. Composition, color, and artistic style combine to create an emotional and moving work that continues to impress viewers to this day.

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