Tea Time (Portrait of Louise Quivoron)

size(cm): 45x35
Sale price€139,95 EUR


The painting Tea Time (Portrait of Louise Quivoron) by Marie Bracquemond is an impressive work that reflects the artist's ability to create a balanced and harmonious composition. Bracquemond's artistic style is characterized by its focus on light and colour, and this work is no exception. The painting is a realistic depiction of a young woman drinking tea, with a soft color palette and pastel tones that create a sense of calm and tranquility.

Tea Time's composition is interesting because Bracquemond uses an asymmetrical approach to create visual balance. The figure of the woman is on the right side of the painting, while the background is occupied by a wall and a table with a cup of tea. However, the use of light and shadow creates a sense of depth and space, making the painting appear larger than it actually is.

Color is also an important element of painting. Bracquemond uses a palette of soft pastels to create a sense of calm and serenity. The figure of the woman is dressed in a white dress and a straw hat, giving her an elegant and sophisticated look. The contrast between her clothing and the background creates a sense of harmony and balance.

The story behind the painting is interesting because it was created at a time when women artists were marginalized in the art world. Bracquemond was one of the few women who managed to stand out in a world dominated by men, and her work is a testament to her skill and talent. Tea Time is a work that showcases Bracquemond's ability to create a stunningly beautiful painting that is still relevant today.

In summary, Marie Bracquemond's Tea Time (Portrait of Louise Quivoron) is an impressive work that stands out for its balanced composition, use of color and artistic style. The story behind the painting is interesting because it reflects the struggle of women artists in a world dominated by men. This work is still relevant today and is a testament to Bracquemond's talent and skill as an artist.

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