Still Life with 'Pronk'

size(cm): 50x70
Sale price€209,95 EUR


The "Pronk" Still-Life painting by artist Joris Van Son is a fascinating work that captures the essence of the Flemish Baroque style. With an original size of 50 x 66 cm, this piece presents a meticulous and detailed composition that reveals the technical mastery of the artist.

Joris Van Son's artistic style is characterized by his ability to create exquisitely crafted still lifes. In "Pronk" Still-Life, the artist uses a variety of items, including fruit, flowers, seafood, and kitchen utensils, to create a luxurious and opulent scene. Each object is rendered with impressive precision, demonstrating the artist's ability to capture texture and minute details.

The composition of the painting is balanced and harmonious. Van Son uses a pyramid arrangement to arrange the objects in the scene, which creates a sense of stability and order. Objects are layered, from the fruit and flowers in the foreground to the utensils and shellfish in the background, adding depth and dimension to the work.

Color plays an important role in "Pronk" Still-Life. Van Son uses a rich and vibrant palette, with intense shades of red, orange and yellow that stand out against the darker background tones. These bright colors draw the viewer's attention and create a striking visual effect.

The history of the "Pronk" Still-Life painting is little known, but it is believed to have been created in the 17th century in the Netherlands. The work reflects the wealth and luxury of the time, as well as society's fascination with exotic and expensive objects. Through the detailed depiction of exotic fruits, lush flowers, and fresh seafood, Van Son shows the abundance and opulence of life at that time.

An interesting and little-known aspect of "Pronk" Still-Life is the presence of symbolism in the work. Some elements, such as withered flowers or broken objects, can represent the transience of life and the vanity of earthly pleasures. These subtle details add an additional layer of meaning to the painting and invite the viewer to reflect on the transitory nature of beauty and life itself.

In conclusion, Joris Van Son's "Pronk" Still-Life painting is a Flemish Baroque masterpiece that stands out for its artistic style, balanced composition, use of color, and attention to detail. Through this piece, the artist transports us to a time of opulence and exuberance, while inviting us to reflect on the transience of life and beauty.

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