Saint Peter Released from Prison

size(cm): 75x30
Sale price€183,95 EUR


The painting St Peter Freed from Prison by artist Filippino Lippi is a stunning work of art that has captivated art lovers for centuries. This Italian Renaissance masterpiece was created in 1457 and is one of Lippi's most important works.

The artistic style of the painting is typically Renaissance, with meticulous attention to detail and impressive painting technique. The composition is very interesting, with a central figure of Saint Peter released from prison, flanked by two Roman guards. The figure of Saint Peter is very expressive, with a look of relief and gratitude on his face.

The paint color is vibrant and vivid, with a palette of bright, warm colors that blend seamlessly to create a stunning image. The use of color is very effective in bringing the scene to life and conveying the emotion of the moment.

The story behind the painting is equally interesting. The work represents the moment when Saint Peter is released from prison by an angel sent by God. The painting was commissioned by the Florentine banker Giovanni di Bicci de' Medici for the Brancacci Chapel in the Church of Santa Maria del Carmine in Florence.

Also, there are some little-known aspects about the painting that make it even more fascinating. For example, Lippi is said to have used his own face as a model for the figure of Saint Peter. It is also believed that the figure of one of the Roman guards was modeled after the figure of a young Leonardo da Vinci.

In short, the St Peter Freed from Prison painting is a stunning work of art that combines impressive painting technique with a fascinating history and interesting composition. It is a masterpiece of the Italian Renaissance that remains relevant and attractive to art lovers around the world.

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