Portrait of Marie-Rosalie Dite Rosa Bonheur

size(cm): 45x35
Sale price€140,95 EUR


The painting Portrait de Marie-Rosalie dite Rosa Bonheur by the artist Edouard Dubufe is a work that stands out for its realistic style and for the artist's ability to capture the personality and essence of his sitter. The composition of the work is very careful, with Rosa Bonheur sitting on a chair and looking directly at the viewer, which creates a feeling of intimacy and closeness.

The use of color in the work is very interesting, with a palette of warm and earthy tones that reflect the personality of the model and her love of nature. Light is also a key element in the work, with soft lighting that highlights the beauty of the model and creates a calm and relaxed atmosphere.

Regarding the history of painting, it is interesting to note that Rosa Bonheur was one of the most important artists of her time, being the first woman to be admitted to the French Academy of Fine Arts. Dubufe, for his part, was a highly regarded artist in his time, known for his ability to portray French high society.

Little-known aspects of the work include the fact that it was commissioned by Rosa Bonheur herself as a gift to her mother, and that it was exhibited at the Paris Salon in 1859, where it received rave reviews from both critics and the public. .

In summary, the Portrait de Marie-Rosalie dite Rosa Bonheur by Edouard Dubufe is a work of great beauty and artistic quality, which stands out for its realistic style, its careful composition, its use of color and light, and its importance in history. of 19th century French art.

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