Girl Sitting with Duck

size(cm): 75x30
Sale price€188,95 EUR


Girl Sitting with Duck: A Hidden Gem by Frida Kahlo

Frida Kahlo, one of Mexico's most emblematic artists, is known for her self-portraits loaded with symbolism and pain. However, her work Girl Sitting with Duck shows us a different side of the artist, one that is less known but equally fascinating.

Girl Sitting with Duck is an oil on canvas painting dating from 1934. Unlike most of Kahlo's works, this painting is not a self-portrait, but a portrait of an unknown girl. The girl is sitting on a dirt floor, with a duck next to her. The composition is simple, but full of details that reveal Kahlo's ability to capture the essence of her subjects.

The composition of the painting is balanced and harmonious. Kahlo places the girl in the center of the canvas, with the duck at her side, creating a clear focal point. The background is a mix of green and brown tones that evoke a rural landscape. Despite the simplicity of the composition, Kahlo manages to create a sense of depth and space through her expert use of perspective and shadow.

Color is another highlight of Girl Sitting with Duck. Kahlo uses a warm, earthy color palette that reflects the girl's rural environment. The brown tones of the ground and the girl's skin contrast with the greens of the background and the white of the duck, creating a visual balance that is both attractive and calm.

The main character of the painting, the girl, is portrayed with a serious and thoughtful expression. Despite his youth, he seems to carry the weight of the world on his shoulders. This contrast between the girl's innocence and the seriousness of her expression is one of the most intriguing features of the painting.

The duck, on the other hand, adds an element of surprise to the painting. Although at first glance it may seem like a minor detail, the duck is actually a crucial element of the composition. Its presence brings a touch of life and movement to the scene, and its white color contrasts with the darker tones of the rest of the painting.

A lesser-known aspect of Girl Sitting with Duck is that Kahlo painted it during a period of great personal difficulty. In 1934, Kahlo was dealing with health problems and a tumultuous marital relationship with fellow painter Diego Rivera. Despite these challenges, Kahlo managed to create a work of art that is both intimate and universal.

Girl Sitting with Duck is a masterpiece that demonstrates the versatility and skill of Frida Kahlo. Although it may not be as famous as his self-portraits, this painting is a hidden gem that deserves to be appreciated and studied.

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