Taking Care of Children in the Orphanage in Haarlem

size(cm): 50x55
Sale price€182,95 EUR


Jan De Bray's painting Tending Children at the Orphanage in Haarlem is a masterpiece of Dutch Baroque art that stands out for its composition, its use of color and its ability to capture the daily life of the time. The work shows several women taking care of children in an orphanage in Haarlem, the Netherlands, in the 17th century.

The artistic style of the work is typical of Dutch Baroque, with meticulous attention to detail and an ability to capture light and shadow. The composition is carefully balanced, with the figures of women and children arranged in a triangular pattern that guides the viewer's eye through the scene.

The use of color is particularly notable in the work, with a palette ranging from the soft, warm tones of the women's clothing to the vibrant blues and reds of the fabrics that hang on the wall. The contrast between soft colors and brighter tones creates a sense of depth and movement in the scene.

The story behind the painting is interesting in itself, as Jan De Bray was a member of a family of artists and her father had founded an orphanage in Haarlem. The work was painted as a commission for the orphanage and became one of the best-loved and best-known paintings in the collection.

There are little-known aspects of the play that are also fascinating, such as the fact that De Bray included his wife and daughter in the scene as models for the women who care for the children. Furthermore, the painting has been the subject of controversy due to the presence of a black figure in the scene, leading to debates about the representation of race in Dutch Baroque art.

In summary, Jan De Bray's painting Tending Children at the Orphanage in Haarlem is a masterpiece of Dutch Baroque art that stands out for its artistic style, its composition, its use of color and its ability to capture the daily life of the time. The story behind the work and little-known aspects make it a fascinating and admirable work.

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