cheerful company

size(cm): 45x40
Sale price€148,95 EUR


Willem Pietersz Compra's painting Merry Company is a 17th-century masterpiece depicting a scene from everyday life in which a group of people are having fun in a tavern. The work is a sample of the Dutch Baroque artistic style, characterized by the use of light and shadow to create a dramatic effect.

The composition of the painting is particularly interesting, as Compra manages to balance the scene masterfully. The group of people is in the center of the work, surrounded by decorative elements such as curtains, tapestries and objects of the time. In addition, the artist uses the chiaroscuro technique to highlight the main characters and create depth in the scene.

Color also plays an important role in the work, as Compra uses a palette of warm, earthy tones to bring the scene to life. The details in the characters' clothing and objects are carefully rendered, demonstrating the artist's mastery in the use of color.

The history of the painting is fascinating as it is believed to have been created in the 1620s to be part of a series of works depicting different scenes of life in the city. The work has passed through various hands over the centuries and is currently part of the collection of the Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam.

A little known aspect of the painting is that Compra was a very influential artist in his time and his work was highly valued by his contemporaries. However, after his death, his work fell into oblivion and was only rediscovered in the 20th century.

In conclusion, the painting Merry Company by Willem Pietersz Compra is a Dutch Baroque masterpiece that stands out for its composition, use of color, and chiaroscuro technique. In addition, its history and the artist's legacy make it a piece of great cultural and historical value.

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