fruit still life

size(cm): 50x65
Sale price€201,95 EUR


Luis Meléndez's Still-Life of Fruit painting is a masterpiece of the still life genre noted for its realistic and detailed artistic style. The composition of the work is impressive, with a variety of exotic and common fruits arranged in a natural and harmonious way on a wooden table. The artist uses a technique of light and shadow to create an effect of depth and volume in each object, making the work appear almost three-dimensional.

The color in the painting is vibrant and rich, with warm and cool hues blending together to create a sense of balance and harmony. The natural light that illuminates the scene is particularly impressive, as Meléndez manages to capture the luminosity and shine of each fruit in an exceptional way.

The history of the painting is equally fascinating, since it was created in the 18th century in Spain, during a period of great artistic and cultural effervescence. Meléndez, who was an artist in the court of King Carlos III, specialized in the creation of still lifes and was considered one of the best artists of his time. The Still-Life of Fruit is one of the most famous of his career and has been the subject of numerous exhibitions and studies.

In addition to its artistic style and impressive composition, the painting also presents some little-known and curious aspects. For example, the presence of a fly in the scene has been the subject of debate among art scholars, who wonder if it was included on purpose by Meléndez or if it simply landed there during the creation of the work.

In short, Luis Meléndez's Still-Life of Fruit painting is a masterpiece of the still life genre that stands out for its realistic and detailed artistic style, its impressive composition, its vibrant color and its fascinating and curious history. It is a work that continues to captivate viewers and is considered one of the best by the artist and the genre in general.

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