Three Camaldolese Monks in Ecstatic Prayer

size(cm): 50x35
Sale price1.205,00 DKK


The painting Three Camaldolese Monks in Ecstatic Prayer by Alessandro Magnasco is a work of art that captivates viewers with its unique artistic style and dramatic composition. The work is in an original size of 55 x 39 cm and is one of the artist's most popular pieces.

What makes this painting so interesting is the way Magnasco uses his baroque style to create an intense and emotional scene. The three monks in the painting are depicted in a state of ecstasy, their bodies twisted and their faces contorted in an expression of religious fervor. The composition of the work is also very impressive, with the three monks positioned at a diagonal angle that creates a sense of movement and dynamism in the painting.

Color also plays an important role in this work, with Magnasco using a palette of dark, earthy tones to create a somber and mysterious atmosphere. The details in the clothing and the objects in the painting, such as the chandelier and the cross, are meticulously painted and add an extra level of realism to the work.

The story behind the painting is also fascinating. Magnasco is believed to have created the work in the early 18th century as part of a series of religious paintings for the Camaldolese order. The work has been held in private and public collections ever since, and has been the subject of numerous exhibitions and studies.

In short, Three Camaldolese Monks in Ecstatic Prayer is an impressive work of art noted for its baroque style, dramatic composition, use of color, and meticulous detail. The story behind the painting also adds an additional level of interest to this masterpiece by Alessandro Magnasco.

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