Portrait of Maria de Tassis

size(cm): 45x35
Sale price1.140,00 DKK


Sir Anthony Van Dyck's Portrait of Maria de Tassis is a masterpiece of Baroque art. The painting shows the Italian noblewoman Maria de Tassis, who was an important figure at the Brussels court during the 17th century. The work is a stunning example of Van Dyck's artistic style, characterized by his ability to capture the elegance and grace of the aristocracy.

The composition of the painting is impressive. Van Dyck placed Maria de Tassis in the center of the work, surrounded by a dark and somber background that emphasizes her beauty and elegance. The figure of María stands out thanks to her white dress, which contrasts with the dark background and is illuminated with a soft and natural light.

The use of color in the painting is also impressive. Van Dyck uses a palette of soft and delicate tones, which create an atmosphere of tranquility and serenity in the work. The artist uses shades of white, gray and pink to portray Maria's dress, and shades of brown and black for the figure's background and hair.

The story behind the painting is also interesting. Maria de Tassis was an important figure at the Brussels court, and Van Dyck was the royals' favorite artist. The painting was commissioned by the Duke of Mantua, who wanted a portrait of Maria de Tassis for his art collection. The work was completed in 1621 and became one of Van Dyck's most famous pieces.

Despite its fame, there are little-known aspects of the painting. For example, it is known that Van Dyck used his wife as a model for the figure of Maria de Tassis. It is also believed that the painting was touched up and modified several times before it was finished.

In short, Sir Anthony Van Dyck's Portrait of Maria de Tassis is a masterpiece of Baroque art that stands out for its artistic style, composition, color, and the story behind the painting. It is an impressive piece that shows Van Dyck's ability to capture the beauty and elegance of the aristocracy of the time.

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