Bible reading

size(cm): 50x40
Sale price1.282,00 DKK


Dutch artist Gerrit Dou's painting "Reading the Bible" is a 17th-century masterpiece depicting two women reading the Bible in a candlelit interior. The composition of the work is impressive, as Dou manages to create a feeling of depth and space in a small and closed room.

Dou's artistic style is that of the Leiden school, characterized by its attention to detail and painstaking painting technique. In this work, Dou uses his "fineness" technique, which involves applying very thin layers of paint to create a smooth, shiny surface.

The use of color in the painting is also notable. Dou uses a limited palette of colors, but uses them effectively to create a warm and welcoming atmosphere. The golden hue of the candlelight creates a sense of intimacy and tranquility in the scene.

The history of the painting is interesting, as it was acquired by King Charles I of England in the 17th century. After the execution of Charles I in 1649, the painting was sold and passed through several hands before being acquired by the Museo Nacional de Arte de Catalunya in Barcelona, ​​where it is currently located.

One of the little known aspects of the painting is the presence of a small bird in the lower right corner of the work. This detail is typical of the Dou style, who often included small objects or animals in his paintings to create a sense of realism and detail.

In summary, Gerrit Dou's "Reading the Bible" is an impressive work that shows the artist's mastery of technique and composition. Its effective use of color and carefully crafted details make this work a gem of 17th-century Dutch art.

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