Hubert Robert, Artist

size(cm): 45x35
Sale price1.134,00 DKK


The painting "Hubert Robert, Artist" by Célisabeth Vigée-Lebrun is a work that stands out for its artistic style and captivating composition. With an original size of 105 x 84 cm, this painting portrays the famous landscape painter Hubert Robert in his studio, surrounded by his works and work tools.

Vigée-Lebrun's artistic style is characterized by her ability to capture the beauty and delicacy of her subjects. In "Hubert Robert, Artist", we can appreciate how he accurately portrays the details of Robert's figure, his serene expression and graceful posture. The use of smooth, precise brush strokes creates a sense of realism and life in the painting.

The composition of the work is another interesting aspect to highlight. Vigée-Lebrun places Hubert Robert at the center of the painting, surrounded by his paintings and work tools. This arrangement creates a visual balance and highlights the importance of the artist in his creative environment. In addition, the choice of a neutral and soft background allows the figure of Robert to be the focal point of the work.

When it comes to colour, Vigée-Lebrun uses a soft and harmonious palette. Pastel tones predominate in the painting, creating a calm and serene atmosphere. The soft colors also reflect the personality and style of Hubert Robert, known for his romantic and evocative landscapes.

The history of the painting is also fascinating. Célisabeth Vigée-Lebrun was a leading 18th-century French painter, renowned for her talent and success in a male-dominated age. "Hubert Robert, Artist" was painted in 1788, when Vigée-Lebrun was already an established artist and Robert was at the height of his career. This painting is a testament to mutual recognition and admiration between two great artists of the time.

In addition to the best-known aspects of the work, there are lesser-known but equally interesting details. For example, Vigée-Lebrun is believed to have included in the painting references to some of Hubert Robert's most famous works, such as his architectural landscapes and Roman ruins. These subtle details demonstrate Vigée-Lebrun's familiarity and in-depth knowledge of Robert's work.

In conclusion, "Hubert Robert, Artist" by Célisabeth Vigée-Lebrun is a fascinating painting that stands out for its artistic style, balanced composition, and soft color palette. Plus, the painting's history and lesser-known details add an extra level of intrigue and appreciation to this masterpiece.

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