The Holy Family Served By Los Angeles

size(cm): 50x65
Sale price1.630,00 DKK


The painting The Holy Family Served by Angels by artist Giovanni Battista Merano is a masterpiece of Italian Baroque art noted for its impressive technique and rich symbology. The painting presents a scene of the Holy Family surrounded by angels who serve them and offer them sacred objects such as the crown of thorns and the chalice.

The composition of the work is very dynamic and balanced, with a strong contrast between the central figure of the Virgin Mary and the smaller figures of angels. The posture of the Virgin, with her head bowed and her hands clasped, conveys a sense of serenity and devotion. The angels, for their part, are represented with a wide variety of gestures and poses, which gives them a sense of movement and life.

The use of color in the painting is also very impressive, with a rich and varied palette that includes warm and cool tones. The gold and silver tones of the angels' wings contrast with the softer, earthier tones of the Holy Family's clothing. The dark background of the painting helps bring out the colors and figures, creating a sense of depth and mystery.

The history of the painting is interesting, as very little is known about its origin and fate. It is believed to have been created in the mid-17th century by Merano, a little-known artist who worked in Naples and other Italian cities. The painting is currently in a private collection and has rarely been displayed to the public.

In summary, The Holy Family Served by Angels is an impressive painting that combines technique, composition and color in an exceptional way. Its religious symbolism and mysterious history make it a fascinating and enigmatic work of art that continues to captivate lovers of Italian Baroque art.

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