size(cm): 50x105
Sale price$445.00 CAD


The Last Supper painting by Italian artist Andrea Del Castagno is a masterpiece that has captivated art lovers for centuries. This work, which measures 453 x 975 cm, represents the last supper of Jesus with his disciples before his crucifixion.

One of the most interesting aspects of this painting is its artistic style. Del Castagno is known for his realistic and detailed style, and in this work he is no exception. Each character is rendered with great precision, from the facial features to the texture of the clothing.

The composition of the painting is also impressive. Del Castagno uses linear perspective to create a sense of depth in the scene. The characters are arranged at a long table, with Jesus in the center and the disciples on either side. The arrangement of the characters and the lighting of the scene create an atmosphere of tension and drama.

Regarding color, Del Castagno uses a limited palette, with predominantly dark and earthy tones. This helps create an atmosphere of solemnity and sadness, appropriate for the occasion.

The history of the painting is also fascinating. It is believed to have been commissioned by the Medici family in Florence in the 15th century. The work was damaged during World War II, but has been restored and is now in the Museum of San Marco in Florence.

A little known aspect of the painting is that Del Castagno included his own portrait in the work. It can be seen in the figure of the disciple seated at the far right of the table.

In short, Andrea Del Castagno's Last Supper painting is a stunning work of art that combines a detailed, realistic style with dramatic composition and a limited palette. Its history and the hidden details in the work make it even more interesting and worthy of admiration.

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