Two Palms and a Goat

size(cm): 45x55
Sale price$287.00 CAD


The painting Two Rams and a Goat by the artist Giovanni Agostino Cassana is an impressive work that stands out for its baroque style and its detailed and careful composition. The piece, measuring 121 x 149 cm, features a pastoral scene in which two rams and a goat graze in a meadow.

One of the most interesting features of this work is its use of color. Cassana uses a rich and vibrant color palette to create a sense of movement and life in the scene. The warm tones of the animals contrast with the deep green of the grass and the clear blue sky in the background, creating a visually striking composition.

Apart from its artistic style, the story behind this painting is also fascinating. Cassana was an 18th century Italian artist who specialized in animal and landscape painting. Two Rams and a Goat was one of his most famous works and was commissioned by a Venetian nobleman in 1710.

Despite her popularity at the time, many aspects of Cassana's life and work are little known. For example, he is known to have traveled extensively in Europe and worked at various royal courts, but little is known about his personal life or artistic motivations.

In summary, the painting Two Rams and a Goat by Giovanni Agostino Cassana is an impressive work that stands out for its baroque style, its detailed composition and its use of color. Also, the story behind the painting and the life of the artist are equally interesting and worth exploring.

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