The Standard Bearer

size(cm): 50x30
Sale price$230.00 CAD


The painting "The Standard Bearer" by the artist Victor Boucquet is a masterpiece of Flemish Baroque art of the 17th century. This artwork is noted for its dramatic composition and use of contrasting, vibrant color.

The painting depicts a Flemish soldier carrying his regiment's standard in battle. The soldier is depicted with great skill, with an imposing posture and a serious, focused face. The banner he carries is a work of art in itself, with an intricate and detailed design displaying the regiment's coat of arms.

The composition of the painting is impressive, with a masterful use of space and perspective to create a sense of depth and movement. The soldier is depicted in the foreground, while behind him other soldiers and horses can be seen in the distance, creating a sense of scale and movement.

The use of color in the painting is also notable, with a contrast between dark and light tones creating a sense of drama and tension. Colors are rich and vibrant, with shades of red, gold, and green highlighting the beauty of the soldier's banner and armor.

The history of the painting is interesting, as it is believed to have been commissioned by Archduke Leopold Wilhelm of Austria, who was a great collector of Flemish art. The painting was part of his private collection for many years before being sold to a private collector.

As for little-known aspects, Boucquet is known to have been a relatively unknown artist in his day, but his work has been rediscovered and appreciated in recent years. The painting "The Standard Bearer" is also believed to have been one of the last works Boucquet created before his death in 1677.

In short, Victor Boucquet's painting "The Standard Bearer" is a masterpiece of Flemish Baroque art noted for its dramatic composition, use of color, and intricate detail. Its history and little-known aspects make it even more interesting and valuable for art lovers.

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