The load of the Lanceros - 1915

Size (cm): 75x50
Sale price$366.00 CAD


The work "The burden of lancers" (1915) by Umberto Boccioni is registered within the context of futurism, an artistic and social movement that emerged in Italy at the beginning of the 20th century. Boccioni, one of the greatest exponents of futurism, sought to capture the energy and dynamism of modern life, characterizing his work by an approach to the movement, speed and novelty of the industrial era.

The painting presents an intense action scene, where the lancers are thrown in a determined and full of agitation load. This sense of spectacular movement is achieved through a compositional structure that breathes rhythm and energy. Boccioni uses a vibrant color palette, predominating the dark and terrible tones, contrasted with the light that highlights certain elements of the painting, suggesting both the violence of the action and the strength of the characters represented. The dynamics of the work is accentuated by the diagonal arrangement of the figures that travel the canvas, giving a feeling of inertia and urgency.

The characters, although they are not portrayed in an individual detail, symbolize the courage and fervor of a war moment. The figures of the lancers, mounted on their horses, are interpreted and stylized in such a way that the contours are blurred, creating a fusion impression with the environment and the action. This Boccioni technique shows its interest in the manifestation of the movement rather than for the traditional representation of individuals. In this sense, the lancers are not only representative soldiers, but incarnate a collective force and an idea of ​​belonging to a larger movement, reinforcing the futuristic vision that exalted the collective on the individual.

The work also reflects a deep connection between art and war, a recurring theme in futurism. While some artists of their time weighing the horrors of the war, Boccioni saw in the war a channeling of vital energy and a means to establish a new order. This thought is present in "the burden of lancers", where the action is transformed into an almost sculptural representation of the movement, reinforcing the idea of ​​a war that, in its madness, is also a catalyst for change and modernity.

In terms of technique, the choice of a free and almost abstract style allows the work to resonate beyond its immediate issues. The superposition of forms and the fragmentation of space denote a relationship with contemporaneity and advances in the understanding of time and space that were beginning to appear in the sciences, which was also fundamental for futurists.

In sum, "the burden of lancers" is not only a representation of a moment of action, but a reflection on the era of transformation that Boccioni and his contemporaries lived. Through its compositional dynamics, its focus on movement and a palette that gives life to the scene, this work is established not only as a war image, but as a symbol of the futuristic spirit, where the energy of the present becomes The essence of art.

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