The inattentive reader 1919

Size (cm): 75x60
Sale price$384.00 CAD


Henri Matisse, one of the most influential artists of modernity, created in 1919 "The Inattentive Reader", a work in which, through his distinctive use of color and composition, he manages to capture the essence of an intimate and contemplative moment. Matisse presents us with a domestic scene in which a woman, apparently absorbed in her thoughts, holds a book. The model, who seems to reject the notion of focusing on reading, is in a state of suggestive distraction, which adds an introspective dimension to the composition.

The work is characterized by the use of flat and vibrant colors, a distinctive technique of Matisse. The saturated tones of the woman's dress, with its deep reds and purples, beautifully contrast with the more subdued and moderate surroundings, creating a sense of warmth and comfort in the room. This chromatic choice is not accidental; Matisse always maintained that "color must be thought, dreamed, imagined" and in "The Inattentive Reader" this statement comes to life. The room seems to be a colorful refuge where natural light plays a crucial role, softly and diffusely illuminating the scene and highlighting the textures and decorative patterns, such as the design on the armchair that adds an element of ornamental richness without overloading the scene.

The triangular composition is elegant and balanced. The woman is centered in the piece, but her averted gaze leads the viewer to explore the rest of the picturesque and meticulously detailed space. The book she holds, barely open, suggests a pause in reading, an interruption that invites us to reflect on the protagonist's internal thoughts. Matisse, with his usual mastery, makes this interruption relevant, capturing a moment of everyday life that, under his gaze, becomes exceptionally significant.

The background elements, such as the table and the objects on it, are painted with the same attention to color and form. Although relegated to a secondary role, they contribute to the overall balance and harmony of the painting. The clean lines and defined contours reflect the influence of Fauvism, of which Matisse was a fundamental pillar. However, there is a softness and lyricism in the treatment that also suggests a departure from Fauvism towards a more personal and mature expression.

The deceptive simplicity of the moment captured in "The Inattentive Reader" is a testament to Matisse's ability to find beauty and meaning in the everyday. This painting is not only a reflection of his technical skill and love of color but also an exploration of human psychology, showing how the mind can wander even in the most seemingly tranquil moments. Through this work, Matisse continues to challenge us to look beyond the surface and find depth in simplicity. As a work of art, "The Inattentive Reader" remains a vibrant and relevant piece, showcasing the unique vision of a master who redefined the parameters of modern art.

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