The Fruit Seller

size(cm): 45x35
Sale price$230.00 CAD


The painting "The Fruit Vendor" by artist Pensionante Del Saraceni is a 17th-century masterpiece featuring a perfectly balanced composition and rich color palette. The painting depicts a fruit vendor in a market, surrounded by a wide variety of fruits and vegetables.

Del Saraceni's artistic style is a blend of Italian and Flemish influences, reflected in the meticulous and detailed painting technique, as well as the rich colors and texture of the fruits and vegetables. The composition of the work is impressive, with the saleswoman placed in the center of the image, surrounded by a great variety of fruits and vegetables that extend towards the background of the painting.

Color is another prominent aspect of the painting, with a rich and vibrant palette that includes warm and cool tones. The light that falls on the scene is soft and diffused, creating a feeling of warmth and comfort.

The history of the painting is interesting as it is believed to have been commissioned by an Italian nobleman to decorate his palace. However, the work was stolen and disappeared for several centuries before being rediscovered at auction in the 20th century.

Regarding little-known aspects, it has been suggested that the figure of the saleswoman could be an allegorical representation of abundance and fertility, since she is surrounded by a large number of fruits and vegetables. Also, some art critics have pointed out the presence of a snake at the bottom of the painting, which could be a reference to the Biblical story of Adam and Eve.

In short, "The Fruit Vendor" is an impressive work of art that combines technique, composition and color to create a vivid and realistic image of everyday life in the 17th century. Its history and symbolism add even more depth to this masterpiece of Baroque art.

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