San Roque with an Angel

size(cm): 50x35
Sale price$243.00 CAD


The painting St Roch with an Angel by the artist Moretto Da Brescia is an impressive work of art that stands out for its unique artistic style and detailed composition. This masterpiece was created in the 16th century and has an original size of 227 x 151 cm.

The artistic style of Moretto Da Brescia is characterized by elegance and sophistication. In this painting, his ability to create detailed and realistic figures that appear to be in motion can be appreciated. Additionally, the artist uses a rich and vibrant color palette to bring the scene to life.

The composition of the painting is impressive. St Roch, the patron saint of the sick, is depicted at the center of the work, surrounded by an angel holding a torch. The figure of St Roch stands out for its upright posture and serene gaze, while the angel appears to be floating in the air.

The history of painting is fascinating. It was commissioned by the Martinengo family in the 16th century to be placed in the chapel of the church of San Francesco in Brescia, Italy. The painting is believed to have been created to honor St Roch, who is known for curing sick people during the bubonic plague epidemic.

One of the lesser known aspects of this painting is the symbolism found in it. The angel accompanying St Roch is believed to represent divine protection and hope in times of illness and suffering.

In short, the painting St Roch with an Angel by Moretto Da Brescia is an impressive work of art that stands out for its unique artistic style, detailed composition, and rich color palette. The history and symbolism behind the work make it an even more fascinating and significant piece.

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