Portrait of the Artist at his Easel

size(cm): 50x35
Sale price$244.00 CAD


Portrait of the Artist at His Easel is a masterpiece by the famous Dutch artist Rembrandt, which was painted in the year 1660. This painting is a portrait of the artist himself, who is in his painting studio, working on a piece of art. The painting is an example of the Baroque style, which is characterized by drama, emotional intensity, and exaggeration.

The composition of the painting is very interesting. Rembrandt uses a technique known as "tenebrism", which is characterized by the use of strong contrasts between light and shadow. In the painting, the artist is in a diagonal position, which creates a sense of movement and dynamism. In addition, the light that enters through the window illuminates his face and his hand, which creates an effect of depth and realism.

The color used by Rembrandt in the painting is very rich and vibrant. The artist uses a palette of warm colors, such as red, gold and brown, which create a feeling of warmth and comfort. Also, the use of light and shadow creates an effect of depth and texture in the painting.

The history of the painting is very interesting. It is believed to have been painted shortly before Rembrandt's death, when the artist was in difficult financial straits. The painting is said to have been an attempt by Rembrandt to demonstrate his skill as an artist and to attract new clients. Although the painting did not have the commercial success that the artist had hoped, it is today considered one of Rembrandt's most important works.

There are some little-known aspects of painting that are worth mentioning. For example, the mirror behind the artist is believed to show the image of his wife, Saskia van Uylenburgh, who died in 1642. In addition, the painting is said to have been used as a model by other artists, including Vincent van Gogh, who made a copy of the work in 1888.

In conclusion, Portrait of the Artist at His Easel is a masterpiece of Baroque art, which stands out for its composition, color and technique. Furthermore, the story behind the painting and little-known aspects make it a fascinating and mysterious work.

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