Portrait of Theresa Alexandra Freifrau Von Tettenborn

size(cm): 50x40
Sale price$259.00 CAD


The portrait of Therese Alexandra Freifrau von Tettenborn, painted by Karl Joseph Stieler, is a work that captivates with its elegance and refinement. This painting, with an original size of 67 x 55 cm, stands out for its neoclassical artistic style, characterized by its attention to detail and its search for harmony and classical beauty.

The composition of the painting is impeccable. Stieler places Therese Alexandra in the center of the canvas, highlighting her figure and her presence. The model is sitting on a sofa, wearing a period dress with exquisite details. Her posture is elegant and her gaze is serene, conveying a sense of calm and confidence.

Color plays a fundamental role in this work. Stieler uses a soft and delicate palette, with a predominance of pastel tones and warm colors. This contributes to creating a serene and harmonious atmosphere, highlighting the beauty of Therese Alexandra and her surroundings.

The story behind this painting is fascinating. Therese Alexandra Freifrau von Tettenborn was a German noblewoman of the time, known for her beauty and elegance. He was a leading figure in the society of his time, and his portrait by Stieler is a testament to his importance and social status.

Although this work is widely recognized, there are little-known aspects of it. For example, it is believed that Stieler took several months to complete this portrait as he sought to accurately capture the essence and personality of Therese Alexandra. In addition, it is said that the artist had to carry out several portrait sessions with the model, which shows his dedication and thoroughness in his work.

In conclusion, The Portrait of Therese Alexandra Freifrau von Tettenborn by Karl Joseph Stieler is a fascinating work of art that stands out for its neoclassical style, impeccable composition, soft and delicate color palette, and interesting history. This painting is a testament to the beauty and elegance of a leading figure in the society of his time, and continues to captivate viewers with its charm and sophistication.

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