Portrait of Frederik V in an Anointing Robe

size(cm): 50x30
Sale price$230.00 CAD


The painting Portrait of Frederik V in Anointment Robe, by the artist Carl Gustaf Pilo in the 18th century, is a work of great beauty and elegance showing the Danish King Frederik V dressed in his ceremonial attire.

The art style of the work is classical and refined, with a highly detailed painting technique that shows every fold and shadow of the king's costume. The composition is very balanced, with the king at the center of the image and surrounded by symbols of power and wealth, such as the golden throne and crown.

The coloring of the painting is impressive, with a range of warm and golden tones that bring great light and richness to the work. The dark blue background also highlights the figure of the king and his outfit.

The history of the painting is interesting, as it was commissioned by Frederik V himself to commemorate his coronation in 1747. The work was exhibited at Christiansborg Palace in Copenhagen, where it became a symbol of the king's power and greatness.

In addition, there are little-known aspects about the painting, such as the fact that Pilo used his wife as a model for the king's face, or that the work was restored several times due to its great historical and artistic value.

In short, Portrait of Frederik V in Anointment Robe is an exceptional work of art noted for its classical style, balanced composition, vibrant coloring, and great historical value. A work that continues to captivate lovers of art and history.

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