Portrait of a San Marcos Attorney

size(cm): 50x35
Sale price$243.00 CAD


Portrait of a Procurator of St Mark's is a masterpiece by the renowned Italian painter Tintoretto, whose artistic style is characterized by its drama and ability to capture emotion in his portraits. Originally sized at 139 x 101 cm, this painting is a perfect example of his talent and unique approach.

The portrait shows a procurator of Saint Mark, an important figure in 16th-century Venice. The man portrayed is presented in a majestic pose, with a direct and confident gaze. His richly detailed clothing reflects his status and power within Venetian society. Tintoretto manages to convey the personality and character of the subject through his facial expression and posture, bringing the painting to life.

The composition of the work is impressive. Tintoretto uses diagonal perspective to create a sense of depth and dynamism in the scene. The attorney is in the foreground, occupying most of the canvas, while in the background you can see columns and arches that frame the central figure. This arrangement creates a sense of balance and visual harmony.

As for colour, Tintoretto uses a rich and vibrant palette. The warm and earthy tones predominate in the background, while the brightest colors are reserved for the figure of the attorney. Contrasts of light and shadow enhance detail and add depth to the painting.

The history of this work is fascinating. It was commissioned by the Scuola Grande di San Marco in Venice, a religious and charitable institution. The painting was part of a series of portraits of San Marcos prosecutors, which were on display in the school's meeting room. These portraits were a display of prestige and power, and Tintoretto was chosen to immortalize these important figures.

Although this painting is widely recognized and appreciated, there are some lesser-known aspects that are worth mentioning. For example, Tintoretto is believed to have included his son Marco in the painting as a boy holding a book in the lower left corner. This personal detail adds an intimate and familiar touch to the work.

In short, Tintoretto's Portrait of a Procurator of St Mark's is a masterpiece that stands out for its artistic style, its dynamic composition, its use of colour, and its fascinating story. It is a display of Tintoretto's talent and ability to capture the essence of his subjects and convey emotions through his art.

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