The Flagellation of Saint George

size(cm): 70x35
Sale price$302.00 CAD


The painting "The Flagellation of St George" by Bernat Martorell is a masterpiece of Catalan Gothic art from the 15th century. The work depicts the torture and martyrdom of Saint George, who was flogged and tortured for defending his Christian faith.

The artistic style of the painting is typical of the late Gothic, with meticulous attention to detail and a deep concern with emotional expression. The figure of Saint George is depicted with great strength and drama, with his body twisted and his face contorted in pain.

The painting's composition is equally impressive, with careful attention paid to balance and harmony. The figure of Saint George is in the center of the painting, surrounded by the executioners and the spectators. The viewer's attention is drawn by the central figure, but the tension in the environment is also felt thanks to the posture and expression of the other characters.

Color is another prominent aspect of the painting. The artist has used a palette of warm, earthy tones, with skillful use of light and shadow to create depth and dimension. The details in the clothing and objects are also impressive, with great attention to detail and remarkable technical skill.

The history of painting is fascinating. It was created in the 15th century for the chapel of the Royal Palace of Almudaina, in Majorca. The painting is considered one of the masterpieces of the Catalan Renaissance and is a testament to the technical and artistic skill of the period.

There are some lesser known aspects of painting that are also interesting. For example, the figure of Saint George is believed to have been modeled after a real soldier, giving it a unique authenticity and realism. In addition, the painting has undergone several restorations over the years, which has affected its original appearance.

In short, "The Flagellation of St George" is a masterpiece of Catalan Gothic art, with meticulous attention to detail, stunning composition, skillful use of color, and a fascinating story. It is a work that deserves to be admired and studied for its beauty and historical importance.

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