Vision of James in Egypt While Going to See His Son Joseph

size(cm): 50x70
Sale price$346.00 CAD


The painting "Vision of Jacob in Egypt While Going to See his Son Joseph" by French artist Cazes De Pierre-Jacques is an impressive work that combines elements of Baroque and Rococo. The composition of the work is very interesting, since it shows Jacob in the center of the image, surrounded by a large number of figures. The artist uses a perspective technique that makes the image appear very deep and realistic.

The paint color is another highlight. Cazes De Pierre-Jacques uses a very rich and vibrant color palette, giving the work a sense of life and movement. Gold and red tones predominate in the painting, giving it an air of opulence and majesty.

The story behind the painting is also very interesting. The work represents a moment in the life of Jacob, when he goes to Egypt to meet his son Joseph. The image shows Jacob having a vision of God, who gives him the strength and confidence to continue his journey. This moment of revelation is very emotional and is reflected in Jacob's expression and in the attitude of the figures around him.

There are some little-known aspects of this painting that are also fascinating. For example, it is said that Cazes De Pierre-Jacques had to work very hard to create this work, as it was very large and required a great deal of detail and precision. Furthermore, it is believed that the artist used live models to create the figures in the painting, giving it greater realism and authenticity.

In summary, "Vision of Jacob in Egypt While Going to See his Son Joseph" is an impressive work of art that combines elements of Baroque and Rococo. The composition, the color and the story behind the painting are all fascinating aspects that make this work one of the highlights of Cazes De Pierre-Jacques.

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