Fragment of The Manetti Chapel (9)

size(cm): 45x35
Sale price$227.00 CAD


Fragment from the Manetti Chapel (9) is a fascinating painting created by the Italian artist Spinello Aretino. This masterpiece, with an original size of 43 x 32 cm, stands out for several interesting aspects that make it a unique piece in its artistic style, composition, color and its little-known history.

Regarding the artistic style, Spinello Aretino is known for being one of the precursors of the late Gothic in Italy. His detailed and painstaking approach is clearly seen in Fragment from the Manetti Chapel (9). The artist manages to capture the viewer's attention through the meticulous representation of the characters and the architectural details of the scene.

The composition of the painting is another highlight. Despite being just a fragment of a larger work, Spinello Aretino manages to convey a sense of movement and depth. The characters are arranged in different planes, creating a sense of perspective and depth in the scene. Furthermore, the balanced and symmetrical composition adds a sense of harmony and beauty to the work.

When it comes to color, Spinello Aretino uses a rich and vibrant palette. Warm, earthy tones dominate the painting, giving it a feeling of warmth and closeness. Colors are used strategically to bring out the details and expressions of the characters, creating an emotionally charged atmosphere.

The history of the painting is also fascinating. Fragment from the Manetti Chapel (9) is part of a series of frescoes that Spinello Aretino painted in the Manetti Chapel, located in the Church of Santa Trinita in Florence. These paintings narrate the life of Saint John the Baptist and were commissioned by the Manetti family in the 14th century. Although the chapel was destroyed in the 17th century, some fragments survived and are now scattered in different museums and private collections.

Little-known aspects of this painting include Spinello Aretino's use of innovative techniques. The artist experimented with layering transparent paint to create effects of light and shadow, adding an extra dimension to the work. Furthermore, Spinello Aretino is believed to have drawn inspiration from Flemish painting and the Italian masters of his time, which is reflected in his unique style and the fusion of different artistic influences in his work.

In summary, Spinello Aretino's Fragment from the Manetti Chapel (9) is a painting that stands out for its late Gothic artistic style, balanced composition, vibrant color palette, and fascinating story. Through his attention to detail and his innovative technique, Spinello Aretino manages to capture the emotional essence of the scene and transport the viewer to a world full of beauty and meaning.

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