Double Portrait with the Emblem of the Rovere Family

size(cm): 50x40
Sale price$259.00 CAD


The painting Double Portrait with the Della Rovere Family Emblem by the artist Federico Fiori Barocci is a work of art that has captivated painting lovers for its artistic style, composition, color and the history that surrounds this work.

Barocci's artistic style is characterized by delicacy and softness in his strokes, which can be appreciated in the painting Double Portrait with the Della Rovere Family Emblem. The composition of the painting is very interesting, since it shows two people, a man and a woman, in a close and intimate environment. The man is sitting in a chair and holding a book, while the woman is standing next to him, one hand on his shoulder.

The paint color is very soft and delicate, giving it a very romantic and nostalgic look. Pastel tones and light colors are the ones that predominate in the work, creating an atmosphere of tranquility and serenity.

The history of the painting is very interesting, as it was commissioned by Cardinal Francesco Maria Della Rovere to commemorate his wedding to Lucrezia d'Este in 1570. The Cardinal wanted the painting to reflect the union of the two families and the importance of their Marriage for the Church

Little-known aspects of the painting are the details that can be seen in the work, such as the Della Rovere family emblem in the background, the delicacy of the details in the clothing and accessories, and the expression of the characters that reflect a great intimacy and tenderness.

In short, the painting Double Portrait with the Della Rovere Family Emblem by Federico Fiori Barocci is a work of art that stands out for its artistic style, composition, color, history, and little-known details that make it a gem for painting lovers.

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