Canoeing in Las Alertas

size(cm): 45x60
Sale price$303.00 CAD


Gustave Caillebotte's painting "Canoeing on the Yerres" is an impressive work noted for its artistic style, composition, and use of color. The painting, original size 89 x 112 cm, shows two men in a canoe navigating the Yerres river in France.

One of the most interesting characteristics of this work is its artistic style. Caillebotte was an impressionist artist, and this painting clearly shows the characteristics of this art movement. The impressionist technique is characterized by the use of loose brushstrokes and the capture of light and movement. In "Canoeing on the Yerres," Caillebotte uses loose, rapid brushstrokes to create the sensation of movement on the water and in the canoe.

The composition of the painting is also remarkable. Caillebotte uses the rule of thirds to position the canoe and men in the ideal position in the painting. The rule of thirds is a composition principle used to create a visually appealing image. The painting also uses perspective to create a sense of depth and distance.

Color is another interesting aspect of this painting. Caillebotte uses a soft, muted color palette to create a sense of calm and serenity. The green and blue tones of the water and the sky are combined with the brown and gray tones of the canoe and the men to create a visual harmony.

The history of the painting is also fascinating. Caillebotte painted "Canoeing on the Yerres" in 1877, during a period when he was very interested in plein-air painting. The work was exhibited at the Paris Salon in 1877 and was very well received by critics. The painting was also purchased by a private collector and was not on public display for many years.

In summary, "Canoeing on the Yerres" is an impressive painting that stands out for its artistic style, its composition, its use of color and its history. It is a work that deserves to be admired and studied for its beauty and its importance in the history of art.

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