A Wedding Dance

size(cm): 50x50
Sale price$284.00 CAD


Marten Van I Cleve's painting A Wedding Dance is a Flemish Renaissance masterpiece that transports us to a scene of celebration and joy. Van I Cleve's artistic style is characterized by the precision in the representation of details and the richness of colours.

The composition of the work is very interesting as a group of people can be seen dancing in a circle around a newly married couple. The central figure of the work is the bride, who is in the center of the composition, surrounded by the other characters. This arrangement of the characters generates a circular movement that envelops the viewer and makes them feel part of the party.

Color is another notable aspect of the work, as Van I Cleve uses a palette of bright, warm tones that reflect the joy and jubilation of the celebration. The women's dresses are painted in vibrant colors such as red, yellow, and blue, while the men wear dark suits that contrast with the color of the women.

The story behind the painting is little known, but it is believed to have been commissioned by a wealthy family to commemorate the wedding of one of their members. The work reflects the importance that was given at the time to wedding celebrations and the joy that they generated in society.

In short, A Wedding Dance by Marten Van I Cleve is a work that stands out for its artistic style, its composition, its colors and the history it represents. Despite its small original size of 33 cm, this painting is an example of the talent and mastery of one of the great artists of the Flemish Renaissance.

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