A Burial at Ornans

size(cm): 50x100
Sale price$426.00 CAD


The painting "A Burial at Ornans" by Gustave Courbet is a masterpiece of 19th century French realism. With an original size of 315 x 668 cm, this monumental work depicts a funeral in the small town of Ornans in eastern France.

The composition of the painting is impressive, with a multitude of characters spreading throughout the image, from the foreground to the background. Courbet uses a soft focus technique to add depth to the image, making characters closer up appear larger and more detailed than those further away.

The color in the painting is sober and realistic, with muted tones reflecting the somber atmosphere of the funeral. Courbet uses a limited palette of dark greys, browns and greens to create a melancholic atmosphere.

The story behind the painting is interesting, as Courbet chose to depict a subject not normally considered worthy of a work of art. The funeral of a common peasant was not a glamorous or exciting event, but Courbet elevated it to the level of art by depicting it with breathtaking precision and detail.

A little-known aspect of the painting is that Courbet included himself in the image, as a character in the crowd. This demonstrates his commitment to realism and his desire to represent life as it is, without embellishment or idealization.

In short, "A Burial at Ornans" is a masterpiece of French realism noted for its impressive composition, understated use of color, and accurate depiction of everyday life. Courbet's inclusion in the painting demonstrates his commitment to realism and his desire to represent truth in art.

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