Pinturas famosas Pinturas Católicas

Catholic Paintings

452 products

Showing 265 - 288 of 452 products

Showing 265 - 288 of 452 products
pintura Inmaculada Concepción - Peter Paul Rubens
Sale priceFrom $259.00 CAD
Immaculate ConceptionPeter Paul Rubens
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pintura Anunciación - Michiel Coxie
Sale priceFrom $213.00 CAD
AnnunciationMichiel Coxie
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pintura Aparición De Cristo A La Virgen - Guercino
Sale priceFrom $276.00 CAD
Apparition Of Christ To The VirginGuercino
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pintura La Virgen Y El Nniño - Dosso Dossi
Sale priceFrom $290.00 CAD
The Virgin and the ChildDosso Dossi
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pintura La Virgen Y El Niño - Lucas Cranach El Viejo
Sale priceFrom $169.00 CAD
The Virgin and ChildLucas Cranach El Viejo
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pintura La Virgen Con El Niño - Giovanni Bellini
Sale priceFrom $246.00 CAD
Madonna and ChildGiovanni Bellini
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pintura La Virgen Y El Niño - Johann Ender
Sale priceFrom $213.00 CAD
The Virgin and ChildJohann Ender
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pintura Virgen De Loreto - Rafael
Sale priceFrom $246.00 CAD
Virgin Of LoretoRafael
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pintura La Virgen Y El Niño Entronizados - Lorenzo Costa
Sale priceFrom $259.00 CAD
The Virgin and Child EnthronedLorenzo Costa
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pintura La Visitación - Jacopo Pontormo
Sale priceFrom $276.00 CAD
The VisitationJacopo Pontormo
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pintura Virgen De La Rosa - Rafael
Sale priceFrom $276.00 CAD
Virgin Of The RoseRafael
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