Virgin and Child Jesus Sleeping with the Infant Saint John the Baptist

size(cm): 45x45
Sale price€171,95 EUR


Piero Di Cosimo's Madonna and Sleeping Christ Child with the Infant St John the Baptist painting is a masterpiece of the Italian Renaissance noted for its innovative artistic style and unique composition. The work, which measures 88 cm wide, shows the Virgin Mary holding the baby Jesus while he sleeps peacefully in her arms. Beside her, the infant Saint John the Baptist, dressed in animal skins, stares at the infant Jesus.

Piero Di Cosimo's artistic style is a blend of classical and contemporary influences, reflected in the painting Madonna and Sleeping Christ Child with the Infant St John the Baptist. The figure of the Virgin Mary is inspired by the classical tradition of ideal beauty, while the figure of the child Saint John the Baptist is more like the reality of the time, with his childlike features and his fur clothing.

The composition of the painting is also very interesting. Piero Di Cosimo uses the sfumato technique to create an effect of depth in the work, allowing the figures to appear to be on different planes. In addition, the position of the figures, with the Virgin Mary and the baby Jesus in the center and the infant Saint John the Baptist at her side, creates a sense of balance and harmony in the work.

As for color, the painting Madonna and Sleeping Christ Child with the Infant St John the Baptist stands out for its soft and delicate palette. Pink and blue tones predominate in the work, giving it a serene and calm appearance.

The history of the painting is also interesting. It is believed to have been commissioned by the Vespucci family, one of the most important families in Florence at the time of the Renaissance. The work has passed through various hands over the centuries and is currently in the collection of the Philadelphia Museum of Art.

In summary, the painting Madonna and Sleeping Christ Child with the Infant St John the Baptist by Piero Di Cosimo is an exceptional work of art noted for its innovative artistic style, unique composition, soft and delicate palette, and interesting history.

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