The Orgaz Count Burial

size(cm): 50x40
Sale price€171,95 EUR


The painting "The Burial of the Count of Orgaz" by the artist El Greco is a 16th century masterpiece showing a dramatic and moving scene. The painting is known for its unique artistic style that combines elements of the Italian Renaissance with the Spanish artistic tradition.

The painting's composition is impressive, as El Greco used a technique called "selective lighting" to highlight the main figures in the scene. The figure of the Count of Orgaz, who is being buried, is illuminated by a heavenly light emanating from heaven, while the earthly figures at the bottom of the painting are illuminated by a dimmer light.

Color also plays an important role in painting, as El Greco used a palette of vibrant, saturated colors to create a sense of drama and emotion. The gold and blue tones seen in the painting are especially striking and add a touch of majesty to the scene.

The story behind the painting is also fascinating. The work was commissioned by the church of Santo Tomé in Toledo, Spain, in honor of the Count of Orgaz, a local nobleman who had been a great benefactor of the church. The painting represents the legend of how Saint Stephen and Saint Augustine descended from heaven to bury the Count of Orgaz, who had been a pious and generous man.

Finally, there are some little-known aspects of painting that deserve to be mentioned. For example, it is believed that El Greco included his own image in the painting, as a form of homage to himself and his own artistic legacy. Furthermore, the painting was the subject of controversy in its day, as some critics considered it too extravagant and unrealistic. Over time, however, the painting has become one of El Greco's most important and admired works, and it remains a popular tourist attraction in the church of Santo Tomé in Toledo.

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