Saint Francis and Brother Leo Meditating on Death

size(cm): 45x30
Sale price€143,95 EUR


The painting "St Francis and Brother Leo Meditating on Death" by the artist El Greco is a work of art that stands out for its artistic style, composition and color. This work was created in the 16th century and its original size is 168.5 x 103.2 cm.

El Greco's artistic style is characterized by the use of the chiaroscuro technique, giving depth and drama to his works. In this painting, you can see how the characters are illuminated by a divine light that comes from the upper part of the composition.

The composition of the work is very interesting, since you can see two figures in the center of the painting, San Francisco and his brother Leo, meditating on death. Both characters are sitting on a rock, looking up at the sky and holding a skull in their hands. At the bottom of the work, several smaller figures can be seen, representing the followers of Saint Francis.

The color used in the work is very intense and vibrant. Red, green and gold tones predominate in the painting, creating a feeling of warmth and spirituality.

The history of the painting is very interesting, since it is believed that it was commissioned by the Convent of San Francisco de Toledo, in Spain. The work was created to be placed on the main altar of the convent, and it is known that it was finished in 1585.

A little-known aspect about this painting is that it was stolen during the Spanish Civil War in 1936, and was recovered by authorities in 1939. It has since been restored and is in the collection of the Prado Museum in Madrid.

In summary, the painting "St Francis and Brother Leo Meditating on Death" by El Greco is a work of art that stands out for its artistic style, composition, color and history. It is a work that represents spirituality and meditation on death, and which continues to be one of the most important works of the Spanish artist.

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