Portrait of a Seated Man Holding a Book

size(cm): 50x40
Sale price€170,95 EUR


Portrait of a Seated Man Holding a Book is a painting by the Italian artist Mirabello Cavalori dating from the 17th century. The painting shows a man sitting on a chair, holding a book in his right hand and resting his left elbow on a table. The composition is simple but elegant, with the man at the center of the painting and a red curtain in the background.

Cavalori's artistic style is characterized by its realism and attention to detail. In this painting, you can appreciate the texture of the man's clothing, as well as the details on the table and the book he is holding. The use of light and shadow is also impressive, especially on the man's face, which is illuminated by an unknown light source.

The predominant color in the painting is brown, with darker tones on the man's clothing and table, and lighter tones on the skin and book pages. The red curtain in the background adds a touch of color and contrast to the composition.

The story behind the painting is unknown, which adds a mystery to the artwork. However, it is believed that the man portrayed could be a member of the nobility or a scholar due to the presence of the book in his hand.

A little known aspect of the painting is that Cavalori was a minor artist in his day and is not as well known as other 17th century Italian artists such as Caravaggio or Bernini. However, his skill in realism and attention to detail in his works is just as impressive.

In summary, Portrait of a Seated Man Holding a Book is a stunning painting that showcases Cavalori's skill in realism and attention to detail. The simple yet elegant composition, the use of light and shadow, and the mystery behind the history of the painting make it a fascinating work of art to admire.

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