Portrait of a Young Woman

size(cm): 50x40
Sale price€170,95 EUR


Portrait of a Young Woman is a masterpiece by the Dutch artist Michiel Jansz Van Miereveld, dating from the 17th century. This painting is a portrait of a young woman, who is sitting on a chair, with a serene and calm expression on her face.

Van Miereveld's artistic style is characterized by his ability to capture the essence of his subjects, and this can be clearly seen in this painting. The young woman is depicted in great detail, from the folds of her dress to the curls of her hair. The artist also uses a soft and delicate lighting technique, which gives the painting a very realistic look.

The composition of the painting is very interesting, as the young woman is positioned at a diagonal angle, which creates a sense of movement in the work. Furthermore, the background of the painting is dark, which makes the figure of the woman stand out even more.

The color used in the painting is also very interesting. Van Miereveld uses a palette of soft and delicate colors, which give the work a sense of calm and serenity. The shades of blue and green used in the young woman's dress are also very beautiful and perfectly complement her fair skin.

The history of the painting is very interesting, as very little is known about the young woman that was portrayed. However, it is believed that she was someone from Dutch high society, due to the elegance of her dress and the jewelry she is wearing.

Overall, Portrait of a Young Woman is a beautiful and well-executed painting, showcasing Van Miereveld's skill as an artist. It is a work of art that is worth admiring and enjoying, both for its aesthetic beauty and for its historical importance.

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