The Fall of Phaethon

size(cm): 65x35
Sale price€191,95 EUR


The painting "The Fall of Phaethon" by artist Joseph the Elder Heintz is a masterpiece that has captivated art lovers for centuries. This painting shows the fall of the son of the sun god, Phaethon, who tried to drive the chariot of the sun and failed in his attempt.

What makes this painting unique is its artistic style, which combines elements of the Renaissance and Baroque. The composition is dramatic and dynamic, with Phaethon falling to the earth as the gods and nymphs look on in horror. Vibrant colors and dramatic lighting create a sense of movement and tension in the scene.

Also, the story behind the painting is fascinating. According to Greek mythology, Phaethon was the son of the sun god Helios and a mortal named Clymene. Phaethon wanted to prove his bravery and decided to drive the chariot of the sun, but he couldn't control it and ended up falling to earth. This story has been depicted in art for centuries, but Heintz's version is particularly impressive.

An interesting and little-known aspect about this painting is that it was commissioned by a German nobleman named Johann Matthias von der Schulenburg in the 18th century. Schulenburg was a great art collector and commissioned this painting for his personal collection. The painting eventually ended up in the hands of the British royal family and is now in the Royal Collection at Buckingham Palace.

In short, "The Fall of Phaethon" by Joseph The Elder Heintz is an impressive work of art that combines Renaissance and Baroque elements to create a dramatic and dynamic composition. The story behind the painting is fascinating and its commission by a German nobleman in the 18th century adds an interesting aspect to its history. This painting is an art treasure that continues to captivate art lovers around the world.

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