Count Stanislas Félix Potocki and His Two Sons

size(cm): 50x45
Sale price€181,95 EUR


The painting Count Stanislas Felix Potocki and his Two Sons by the artist Johann Baptist I Lampi is a work of art that stands out for its artistic style, composition and color. This painting is a portrait of Stanislas Felix Potocki, a Polish nobleman, with his two sons. The painting was created in 1790 and measures 138 x 119 cm.

The artistic style of the painting is late Rococo, characterized by elegance and finesse in detail. The composition of the painting is very interesting, since the artist managed to capture the three characters in a harmonious and balanced way. Stanislas Felix Potocki is seated in an armchair, while his two sons are standing by his side. The position of the characters, as well as the lighting, create an effect of depth in the painting.

Color is another prominent aspect of the work. The artist used a palette of soft and delicate colors, such as pink, blue and white. These colors create an atmosphere of tranquility and serenity in the painting.

The history of the painting is interesting, since Stanislas Felix Potocki was an important person in the history of Poland. He was a politician and patron of the arts, and his family was one of the richest and most powerful in the country. The painting was created in Vienna, where Potocki lived for a time.

One of the little-known aspects of the painting is that the artist, Johann Baptist I Lampi, was an Italian-born painter who settled in Vienna. He was a well-known artist in his time and painted portraits of the European nobility.

In short, the painting Count Stanislas Felix Potocki and his Two Sons is a work of art that stands out for its artistic style, composition, color, and the story behind it. It is a sample of the late Rococo and a portrait of an important person in the history of Poland. The artist, Johann Baptist I Lampi, was a renowned painter in his day and left a legacy painting portraits of European nobility.

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