Peasants in a Tavern

size(cm): 45x60
Sale price€199,95 EUR


Peasants in a Tavern is a painting by the Flemish artist Gillis Van Tilborgh, dating from the 17th century. This masterpiece captures the lively scene of a tavern, where peasants and workers gather for a moment of relaxation and fun.

Van Tilborgh's artistic style is characterized by his detailed realism and his ability to depict everyday life. In Peasants in a Tavern, this is reflected in the careful representation of the characters and objects in the scene. Each figure is carefully outlined, with facial expressions and gestures that convey a range of emotions and individual personalities.

The composition of the painting is remarkable for its balance and visual harmony. Van Tilborgh uses diagonal and horizontal lines to guide the viewer's gaze through the scene, from the characters in the foreground to the details in the background. This creates a sense of depth and perspective, and makes the painting attractive from any angle.

When it comes to colour, Van Tilborgh uses a rich and vibrant palette. Warm, earthy tones dominate the scene, creating a cozy and nostalgic atmosphere. Colors are applied with loose, textured brushstrokes, adding dynamism and energy to the painting.

The history behind Peasants in a Tavern is fascinating. The painting represents a moment in the daily life of the working classes at the time. It shows peasants enjoying the company of their peers, drinking, laughing, and playing cards. This representation of life in the tavern shows the importance of these places as social and camaraderie spaces in the society of the time.

Although Peasants in a Tavern is a well-known and appreciated work, there are lesser-known aspects of it. For example, Van Tilborgh is believed to have been inspired by 17th-century Dutch genre painting, which portrayed scenes of everyday life. In addition, the painting has been the subject of study for its detailed depiction of objects in the scene, such as beer mugs and playing cards, which provide insight into the material culture of the time.

In summary, Gillis Van Tilborgh's Peasants in a Tavern is a remarkable painting noted for its realistic artistic style, balanced composition, vibrant use of color, and depiction of everyday tavern life. This masterpiece offers a fascinating insight into the society and culture of the time, and continues to be appreciated for its beauty and technical skill.

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