Ladies of Arles (Souvenir of the Garden in Etten)

size(cm): 45x55
Sale price€189,95 EUR


The painting "Ladies of Arles (Memory of the Garden at Etten)" is a masterpiece by the artist Vincent Van Gogh, showing a scene of three women in a garden. The painting is known for its unique artistic style and well-balanced composition.

Van Gogh's artistic style is evident in this painting, with its bold brushwork and use of vibrant color. The yellow and green tones are particularly noticeable in this work, creating a feeling of warmth and light in the garden.

The painting's composition is equally impressive, with the three women positioned in a balanced triangle that guides the viewer's gaze across the scene. Additionally, the inclusion of the stone wall in the background helps create depth and dimension in the painting.

The history of the painting is equally interesting, as it was created after Van Gogh moved to Arles in the south of France. The painting is a reminder of the garden in Etten, the Netherlands, where Van Gogh lived with his family before moving to France.

A little known aspect of the painting is that Van Gogh originally painted it against a dark background, but later decided to change it to a lighter background to create a light and airy feel to the scene. This shows Van Gogh's ability to make bold creative decisions and experiment with his art.

Overall, "Ladies of Arles (Memory of the Garden at Etten)" is an impressive painting that showcases Van Gogh's skill as an artist and his ability to create unique and memorable works of art.

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