The Artist with his Family

size(cm): 50x40
Sale price5,443.00TL


The painting "The artist with his Family" by the Flemish artist Karel Van Mander is a masterpiece depicting a domestic scene from the artist's life. The painting was created in the 16th century and measures 137 x 112 cm, making it a considerable size work.

What makes this painting so interesting is its artistic style, which is typical of the Flemish Renaissance. Van Mander uses a detailed and realistic painting technique that shows great skill in capturing light and shadow in the scene. Furthermore, the composition of the painting is very balanced, with the artist in the center surrounded by his family and art objects.

Color is also a prominent aspect of the painting. Warm, soft tones create a cozy, homey atmosphere, while red and gold accents on the clothing of the artist and his wife add a touch of elegance and richness.

The story behind the painting is also fascinating. Van Mander is believed to have created this work as a self-portrait with his family, making it a personal and emotional piece. In addition, the painting was acquired by the National Museum of Denmark in the 19th century, making it a work of great cultural and historical importance.

Finally, a little known aspect of the painting is that Van Mander was also a writer and poet, which is reflected in the literary composition of the work. The painting is a visual representation of the artist's life, but it is also a poetic work that celebrates the importance of family and home in an artist's life.

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