The Tavern scene

size(cm): 50x45
Sale price5,722.00TL


The painting "Tavern Scene" by artist Cornelis Bega is a 17th-century masterpiece featuring a lively Dutch tavern scene. The work is a vivid and realistic representation of daily life in a tavern, with a multitude of characters interacting with each other in a lively and boisterous environment.

Bega's artistic style is characterized by his ability to capture the daily life of the Dutch working class in great detail and realism. In "Tavern Scene", Bega uses a loose and fast brushwork technique to create a vibrant and dynamic atmosphere in the work.

The composition of the painting is impressive, with a variety of characters occupying different levels of the work. In the center of the work is a group of men drinking and playing cards, while at the top right, a woman sits alone in a corner, watching the scene with a thoughtful expression.

The colors used in the work are rich and warm, with earthy tones reflecting the dim lighting in the tavern. The details in the clothing and furnishings in the tavern are impressive, demonstrating Bega's ability to capture the texture and detail of objects in the work.

The history of the painting is fascinating, as Bega is believed to have been inspired by the work of his mentor, Adriaen Brouwer, to create "Tavern Scene". The work was painted during the Dutch Golden Age, a period of great prosperity and creativity in Dutch art history.

In summary, "Tavern Scene" by Cornelis Bega is an impressive work that stands out for its artistic style, composition, color and details. The work is a vivid depiction of daily life in a Dutch tavern and is a gem of 17th-century Dutch art.

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