Old Woman and Child with Candles

size(cm): 50x35
Sale price5,112.00TL


The painting Old Woman and Boy with Candles by Peter Paul Rubens is a masterpiece of Baroque art that presents an intimate and moving scene. The composition of the painting is exceptional, with the figure of the old woman seated on a wooden chair and the boy standing by her side, holding a lighted candle. The contrast between light and shadow is impressive, and the use of light to highlight the old woman's wrinkles and fine lines is especially effective.

Rubens' artistic style is evident in the way he has portrayed the characters in the painting. The old woman, with her wrinkled face and graying hair, is a perfect example of Rubens's technique of portraying age and experience. The boy, on the other hand, is a paragon of innocence and youth, with his soft face and big, bright eyes.

The color in the painting is vibrant and rich, with a palette that includes warm shades of yellow, orange, and red. The use of light and shadow creates a depth and dimension in the painting that is impressive.

The story behind the painting is a bit unknown, but it is believed to have been painted around 1616-1617. It has been suggested that the old woman in the painting could be the artist's mother, or even her mother-in-law. The painting was acquired by the Museo del Prado in Madrid in 1828, and has been one of the most popular works in the museum's collection ever since.

In summary, Old Woman and Boy with Candles by Peter Paul Rubens is a stunning painting that shows the artist's mastery of technique and composition. The richness of the colors and the depth of light and shadow create a moving and emotional image that remains relevant and engaging to viewers today.

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